This past Friday, I had my industry critic. I must admit I wasn't as nervous for this one as I was for the faculty crit. When it comes right down to it, you just have to do it. Hmmm, that's a slogan. Maybe I can print it on a t-shirt? Hahaha. Anyways, the critique went extremely well. There was some confusion in the beginning about my thesis statement. I know it was because I structured it in a classic academic fashion. Never mind the fact I write in my statement that its Man's internal struggle, when actually my story is about a wooden bird. It was quickly understood that I was speaking figuratively rather than literally. I received several helpful ideas for planning my shots. The panel recommended things to look for regarding post-production that I had not considered, for example window reflections, and the weight of objects (leaves) as they get affected by rain. Basically, I need to observe elements in nature better and take more photo references.
They liked this 2nd draft of my animatic. I removed the mirror in this version. Also, I located a better score for my scratch music. It's got the playful quality I've been looking for as well as the type of musical instruments I wanted. I bookmarked the URL location in advance, but hopefully I can find someone to create an original piece just for my film that is similar.
Animatic 02 (6mb)
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